The Butler and the Ball will premiere in NYC at Astoria Film Festival, sponsored by Kaufman Astoria Studios and the Kaufman Arts District. The film will screen on Saturday, October 1, 2021, 6:30-7:30pm, in the Backyard Theater at Heart of Gold Bar. Director and lead actor Andrew Chan-Possemato will participate in a filmmakers’ panel prior to the screening.

Tickets are available here (the session is titled Astoria YOUTH- Workshops – PS166, Film Club, GK Middle School, Selected Youth Films). Mandatory proof of vaccination for 12+ and mandatory masks for everyone.

The Butler and the Ball, an urban fairy tale about a lonely boy who enters a contest to become the new butler of a grieving, reclusive singer, was directed by eight-year-old Andrew Chan-Possemato, who wrote and produced it with Albert M. Chan.

Kaufman Astoria Studios is one of the oldest continuously used movie studios in the world.