THE BUTLER AND THE BALL Premieres in Estonia
Albert’s collaboration with his son, The Butler and the Ball, has been selected for the official competition at the 2021 International Festival of Short Film: The Unprecendented Cinema, an annual competitive film festival held in Tallinn, Estonia, since 2001. The Butler and the Ball, or Ülemteener ja ball in Estonian, competes in the Best Amateur…
INCARNATIONS Chosen as Quarterfinalist for 2021 Finish Line Script Competition
Albert’s feature-length sci-fi drama screenplay Incarnations has been chosen as a quarterfinalist for the 2021 Finish Line Script Competition. Semifinalists will be announced on October 12, 2021. The Finish Line Script Competition redefines the screenwriting competition; embracing the rewrite as an essential component in any successful screenplay and incentivizing every entrant to dig deeper, find…
INCARNATIONS Named Quarterfinalist for The Script Lab’s 2021 Screenplay Contest
Albert’s feature-length sci-fi drama screenplay Incarnations has been named a quarterfinalist for the The Script Lab’s 2021 Screenplay Contest, selected from almost 12,900 submissions. Semifinalists will be announced on September 15, 2021. The Script Lab and Coverfly are offering this screenplay competition to help open talent-discovery to anyone and everyone, regardless of financial ability. Coverfly is…
INCARNATIONS Named Quarterfinalist for Filmmatic Drama Screenplay Awards
Albert’s feature-length sci-fi drama screenplay Incarnations has been named a quarterfinalist for Season 6 of the Filmmatic Drama Screenplay Awards. Writers will receive an invitation to Filmmatic’s annual Sundance networking event. The competition, sponsored by InkTip, Screenwriting Staffing, and Filmmatic.com, locates, exposes and nurtures up-and-coming screenwriters who have yet to receive their invitation to the…
INCARNATIONS Moves on to Semifinals of Nashville Film Festival Screenplay Competition
Albert’s feature-length sci-fi drama screenplay Incarnations has moved on to the semifinal round of the Nashville Film Festival Screenplay Competition. All writers that advanced were identified with either a stand-out project and/or a voice that is being sought in Hollywood. The Nashville Film Festival (NashFilm) is a globally-recognized non-profit organization and cultural event presenting the…
Screenplay INCARNATIONS Selected for Philip K. Dick Science Fiction and Supernatural Film Festival
The feature-length sci-fi drama screenplay Incarnations has been selected as a finalist for the Philip K. Dick Science Fiction and Supernatural Film Festival, taking place September 17-19, 2021 at the Musuem of the Moving Image in New York City. Of the 11 feature screenplay finalists, Incarnations is the only one that is a finalist in…