
  • INCARNATIONS Named Top 50 Semifinalist for ISA Fast Track Fellowship

    Albert’s feature-length science-based screenplay Incarnations has moved on as a Top 50 Semifinalist for the International Screenwriters’ Association (ISA) Fast Track Fellowship. Seven genre finalists (Action, Comedy, Drama, Family, Rom-Com, Historical, Horror, and Crime) and two Fast Track Fellows will be announced on April 15, 2021. Fast Track Fellows participate in eight general meetings with…


  • WELCOME TO THE WORLD Selected for FilmÓptico Festival in Spain

    Welcome to the World has been selected for the FilmÓptico Visual Art and Film Festival in Spain, which will take place April 23-May 2, 2021. The festival showcases films, short films, documentaries, and video-art works with an experimental, artistic and personal perspective outside of the commercial world. Styles include auteur, sci-fi, horror, gore, poetic, and…


  • Albert Wins Best Directing Award for THE COMMITMENT

    Albert won the award for Best Directing for The Commitment at the UK-based Flikkers Queer Film Festival, which screened 32 films this past weekend. Flikkers aims to provide a platform for films that are representative of the fantastically diverse queer community, with a special emphasis on films directed and/or produced by Queer/Trans/Intersex People of Colour…


  • THE BUTLER AND THE BALL Selected for Children’s Film Festival Seattle

    The Butler and the Ball has been selected for the 16th Annual Children’s Film Festival Seattle, presented by Northwest Film Forum. This competitive festival, with childrens’ jury and audience prizes, will be held virtually February 18 to 28, 2021, and feature four feature films and 16 short film programs representing 36 countries. The Butler and…


  • WELCOME TO THE WORLD Screens at Argentinian LGBT+ Film Festival

    Welcome to the World screens in Argentina at the “Amor es Amor” International LGBT+ Film Festival, which will take place February 17-20, 2021. In addition to an online component, the films in the Official Competition will be screened at Gran Rex Cinemas in the city of Córdoba. Welcome to the World is one of eight…


  • THE BUTLER AND THE BALL Premieres in Boston at Scout Film Festival

    The Butler and the Ball will premiere in Boston as part of the Scout Film Festival, a festival for filmmakers age 24 and under. The Butler and the Ball, which was selected from over 1300 submissions from 80 countries, is an urban fairy tale about a lonely boy who enters a contest to become the…
